QParks Slopestyle Contests Terms & Conditions
I confirm, that my participation in one of the QParks Slopestyle Contests and the use of the event-setup resp. the snowpark is on my own risk and responsibility. Neither the organizer (QParks / young mountain marketing gmbh), nor the sponsors, nor the operator (owner) of the snowpark, nor other persons working for the event are liable or responsible for eventual accidents, injuries or any other kind of negative consequenzes. I’ve been informed of the athletically and physically requirements of a participation and I confirm, that I am sufficiently trained and healthy. I respect the rules of the event and I am taking part on my own volition. I take the full responsibility, the organizer cannot be held responsible for material damage, personal injury and damage to assets.
The organizer reserves the right to disqualify participants or exclude them from the event at any time without further notice for any reason. The organizer reserves the right to postbone or cancel the event due to weather conditions, in cases of force majeure, due to official orders or for safety reasons. The organizer reserves the right to change the contest mode/format at any time due to the reasons stated above.
I hereby agree that all the photos, footage and interviews, which are produced in connection to my participation in the event mentioned above, may be used in social media, the web, magazines, broadcasting and photomechanical reproductions, without claims for remuneration on my part. By registering I agree that event-related materials of any kind can be send to me by post or mail. My personal data will be stored and processed by the young mountain marketing gmbh and/or the partners and sponsors of the contests. The rights of use and reproduction are vested in young mountain marketing gmbh and/or the partners and sponsors of the contests.