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The IWD - International Women's Day.

This year's topic #EmbraceEquity – Gender Equality focuses on supporting and enabling opportunities for men and women. For example, that it is legal for women to go to school and be allowed to vote. Gender equity, i.e. gender equality, means straightening out the historical “wrongs”. The "wrongs" that have left women on the sidelines regarding working conditions, social restrictions and many other areas.

Gender equity is not just a: It would be nice to have...

– it is an absolute must and should be deeply rooted in our society. We need to write about it, think about it, and know how to include and embrace equality.

Equality means creating a fair and “equal” world, which therefore requires fairness.

Die Ski und Snowboard Welt ist, wie wir alle wissen, eine Männerdominierte Szene.

Fortunately, a lot has happened in recent years and women are not only accepted more and more in the scene, but also pushed and celebrated.

Being included, and belonging, feels good.

The moment we become aware of and appreciate gender justice, we embrace diversity and inclusion - fairness is one of the fundamental factors in achieving equality.

Imagine a world where there are no differences, at least socially speaking, between genders. A world free of biases, stereotypes and discrimination. A world in which diversity, inclusion and fairness are anchored.

Imagine a world where there are no differences, at least socially speaking, between genders. A world free of biases, stereotypes and discrimination. A world in which diversity, inclusion and fairness are anchored.

Lisa Zimmermann

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Lisa Zimmermann is an incredibly good skier who has made a name for herself in the world of freestyle and spends every free minute in the mountains. We wanted to know how she is doing in this industry as a professional athlete, what needs to be worked on and how we can push #GenderEquity in this sport. @zimmermannlisa

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Tell us a little bit about yourself, who are you, where are you from?

I'm Lisa, 26 years old, born in Nuremberg and living in beautiful Innsbruck, Austria. I am a professional skier, like to surf and generally like to be active in sports :)


Do you find the freestyle industry more male-dominated or female-dominated?

Probably still very male-dominated, you only have to take a quick look at the magazines, film productions and athlete teams - although of course a lot has happened here in recent years. :)


10 years ago and today?

Today it feels like there are 10 times as many girls and women in our sport and I'm very happy about that. When I started, you could usually count the participants in competitions on one hand.


Did you find it difficult to integrate into the freestyle world?

Not so much, I was actually pretty well received quite early on. I think the guys already had some respect for my talent back then haha.


What are you most proud of?

Of my personal development and to live in a happy, equal relationship.


Do you value pushing other girls/women in the same industry?

In general, it is important to me to push those who are interested in sports and to support beginners with their first steps, regardless of their gender.


Who was or is your role model?

I never had one.


What did you dream of as a little girl?

Possessing magical powers :)


What can we do to push women in the freestyle industry and to correct the "wrongs" that have obviously happened? 

Equal pay, equal teams, equal prize money, gender-specific training camps, take away the fear of women who are afraid to embarrass themselves for thinking that they can't do it...


What advice would you give to the future generation of freestyle?

Listen to your body, take breaks, look for variety :)


Before you embarked on your journey to becoming a professional athlete, what would you like to teach your younger self?

Difficult question, I'm actually quite happy with how everything went - maybe to be a little less shy and just say hi :)

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